


动漫卡通《莉拉之书》西班牙语版由...主演,2017年在哥伦比亚地区发行。福特森长长的吐出一口烟圈:“我倒是觉得,你应该给***爸打个电话,让他继续加大对我们战队的赞助力度。你说呢?”Lila, a character in a children's story book, suddenly falls out of her paper world and ends up trapped in a place she doesn't belong - And so starts this great adventure where Lila discovers that the only person who can save her is Ramon, the owner of the book who hasn't read it for many years - But it's not going to be easy; Ramon is no longer the little boy he was, he has grown up and has not only stopped reading, but has also stopped believing in fantasy. Lila and her new friend Manuela set out to convince him of what's happening and together they face a dangerous journey to the Desert of Lost Memories, to retrieve Lila's lost book. In this adventure through magical worlds, children will explore and discover the true value of friendship and the power of fantasy.感谢点播《莉拉之书》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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