


纪录片《罗杰·沃特斯:我们+他们》版由罗杰·沃特斯,戴夫·金曼斯特,Jess Wolfe,乔恩·凯琳...主演,2019年在英国地区发行。埃尔文也搭腔了:“殿下说的是,这也是制造幻象的奥术始终不成体系上不了台面的原因。虽然在很多时候,幻境和领域效果非常相像,但领域无论怎么弱都是自己的,不会被更强大的神夺走,但幻境不同,幻境并不是自己的东西,勇士切不能沉迷于幻境。”Roger Waters, co-founder, creative force and songwriter behind Pink Floyd, presents his highly anticipated film, Us + Them, featuring state-of- the-art visual production and breath-taking sound in this unmissable cinema event.Filmed in Amsterdam on the European leg of his 2017 – 2018 Us + Them tour which saw Waters perform to over two million people worldwide, the film features songs from his legendary Pink Floyd albums (The Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall, Animals, Wish You Were Here) and from his last album, Is This The Life We Really Want?Waters collaborates once more with Sean Evans, visionary director of the highly acclaimed movie, Roger Waters The Wall, to deliver this creatively pioneering film that inspires with its powerful music and message of human rights, liberty and love.感谢点播《罗杰·沃特斯:我们+他们》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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