纪录片《Ferrante Fever/费兰特热潮》中意双语



纪录片《Ferrante Fever/费兰特热潮》版由内详...主演,2017年在意大利地区发行。It’s a rare feeling when we open a book and find ourselves lost in its pages; finding pieces of ourselves in the story and letting ourselves be enveloped in the emotions that arise. This effect is what the works of Elena Ferrante are most known for. Listed among Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world, Elena Ferrante is a contemporary icon, whose identity is closely linked to her novels and nothing more.Despite her massive international success, Elena Ferrante is an author whose true identity remains unknown. Via excerpt readings and interviews with critics, directors, booksellers, editors and authors such as Jonathan Franzen and Elizabeth Strout, Ferrante Fever explores Ferrante’s deeply intimate writing and looks into her choice to remain anonymous, which sparked an unprecedented cultural debate.Filmed between Italy and the United States, Ferrante Fever doesn’t necessarily go in search of the identity of the "faceless writer,” instead, it hopes to discover the secret of her success. How was she able to create stories that would conquer readers over the course of 12 years? In-depth interviews provide answers, but so do the writer's own words, and the places and protagonists in her novels.没错,屠龙公会在中国区选择主攻黑暗联盟势力是一个明智的选择,第九天堂和星辰都没和他争,所有的亡灵势力兽人势力地狱势力都是屠龙的囊中之物,但这也意味着屠龙公会没有真正意义上的盟友,即便是到了国战区,即便是中国人不打中国人,但从游戏本质上看,星辰和第九天堂终究还是屠龙的天然敌人。感谢点播《Ferrante Fever/费兰特热潮》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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