


欧美剧《碰撞》土耳其语版由Kivan Tatlitug/Elin Sangu/Alperen Duymaz/Melisa Pamuk/Onur Saylak/Mustafa Ugurlu/Rojda Demirer...主演,2018年在土耳其地区发行。只是,魅儿先是一愣,随即立刻变得气息完全不同了起来,甚至还特意显出了一丝黑暗的魔气,以不让苏离认出她来。   These four characters, together with an accident, came to the screen of the intersection of their lives Kadir Adalis Collide was not actually we were, our fates wherever you go, no matter how much you run, ultimately everyone returns, the scene of the incident. Remarks. The teaser, which offers a visual feast, evokes the excitement of the horror-filled moments that seem impossible to realize when looking from the outside. The collision of four cars, the collision of the fate of 4 people, with its breathtaking story, starts on November in Show TV. 感谢点播《碰撞》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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