



恐怖片《杀戮旅店》其它版由克劳斯·金斯基,Margaret Lee,欧露莎尔芭·奈丽...主演,1971年在其它地区发行。身外化身:可消耗一成的精气魂,凝聚三个圆满的本我化身,可拥有自身二十倍全部能力(除身外化身能力外),持续时间无限。若化身毁灭,本体将不受到精气魂反噬影响,同时毁灭的那一具化身一个时辰之内无法再次凝聚。  A cloaked figure slips into an exclusive psychiatric clinic and murders one of the female patients. Meanwhile, various sexuals liaisons are revealed. The mystery killer continues with his massacre: he beheads a nurse with a scythe, pushes a chauffeur into a spiked “Iron Maiden”, strangles an older female patient, kills a nymphomaniac with an axe, and shoots a lesbian through the neck with a crossbow. Doctor Clay and the police set a trap for the killer using one of the attractive female patients as bait. However, they are not prepared for the onslaugth that follows…感谢点播《杀戮旅店》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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