


剧情片《防震》英语版由柯纳·王尔德,帕特里夏·奈特,约翰·巴拉戈瑞...主演,1949年在美国地区发行。而更绝望的是,刚坠入黑暗深渊深处,忽然一颗琉璃珠猛的席卷了过来,直接将她鲸吞了进去。  Beauty contest winner Patricia Knight's one bid for screen stardom was Columbia's Shockproof. Knight plays Jenny Wright, a convicted murderess paroled in the care of probation officer Griff Marat (Cornel Wilde). What begins as an aloof professional relationship eventually blossoms into romance. The fly in the ointment is shady Harry Wesson (John Baragrey), the gambler who inveigled Jenny into committing murder. The girl is torn between creature comforts offered her by Wesson and the promise of a clean life offered by Griff. This early Douglas Sirk effort contains a smattering of the stylistic touches which distinguished his later work.The screenplay was written by famed director Samuel Fuller, known for his gritty realism and hard-boiled style.  ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide感谢点播《防震》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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