


剧情片《爱得其所》英语版由Tom Bell,Olivia Hussey,Judy Carne...主演,1971年在英国地区发行。鲜橙宝正色道:“赌一把!如果真有很多,他们也早就该出动了。飞哥觉得呢?”  This film, very much of its time shows London in the early 1970's. Of course now a different world. Note the old fashion Underground ticket machines, and the Black and White Telly in the flat. The location looks very much like Churchill Gardens, Pimlico, with Battersea Power Station in the background. And, plenty of smoking going on, in pubs, and on the tube. The film is strangely sexy in its own way, with the young girl playing along with the much older man, its really a sexual fantasy come true. It is another one of those British low budget film where the low budget adds to rather that take away value. Watch for fun, which is what it is.感谢点播《爱得其所》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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