


恐怖片《恐怖男爵》其它版由Abel Salazar,Ariadna Welter,David Silva...主演,1962年在其它地区发行。In 1661 Mexico, the Baron Vitelius of Astara is sentenced to be burned alive by the Holy Inquisition of Mexico for witchcraft, necromancy, and other crimes. As he dies, the Baron swears vengeance against the descendants of the Inquisitors. 300 years later, a comet that was passing overhead on the night of the Baron’s execution returns to earth, bringing with it the Baron in the form of a horrible, brain-eating monster that terrorizes the Inquisitor’s descendants.剧烈的动荡中,狂乱的涟漪从血海之下掀起。一道道深邃的深谷裂开,然后,从血海中升起的,乃是一道道粗大的枝干。感谢点播《恐怖男爵》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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