



科幻片《设备》英语发音 中文字幕版由Angela,DiMarco,David,S.,Hogan,Kate,Alden...主演,2014年在欧美地区发行。白老爷表示明白,毕竟人家小姑娘可是告诉了家中兄长的,就是两个臭小子没告诉家里。Abby and Rebecca Powell haven"t seen each other since a traumatic event in their youth ripped them apart. Reunited for the first time in over a decade, the sisters take a trip to spread their mother"s ashes at a secluded lake. As the sisters reconnect and try to heal old wounds, something waits in the nearby woods. A strange object, made not by the hands of man, beckons them to it. As they begin to try and unlock its secrets, Abby is plagued by nightmares of an alien presence that seem all too real. Little do the sisters realize that this object is actually a device, one with a purpose too horrible to comprehend. As the events of the past and the present begin to merge, new discoveries will threaten to tear apart their newly reformed family, and the inhuman creators of the device will attempt to finish a terrible experiment begun years before感谢点播《设备》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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