

主演:戈兰·波格丹,波利斯·伊萨科维奇,纳达·萨金,Milica Janevski

导演:Srdan Golubović





语言:塞尔维亚语 Serb

更新时间:2022-05-30 16:34:14


剧情片《父亲2020》塞尔维亚语 Serb版由戈兰·波格丹,波利斯·伊萨科维奇,纳达·萨金,Milica Janevski...主演,2020年在塞尔维亚地区发行。拿不下国内城,派兵去攻打这些地方,事后他们退去,这些地方还是会回到***的怀抱,所以实在不必要派兵出去,不仅浪费兵力,还浪费粮草。After Nikola’s wife has attempted suicide, the casual labourer’s two children are taken away from him and placed with foster parents. A temporary arrangement, it is alleged. However, following an assessment of Nikola’s housing conditions, the head of the social welfare office in their small Serbian village decides that Nikola is too poor to provide an adequate living environment for his children. The reticent Nikola decides to lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Social Affairs in Belgrade. He is determined to cover the 300 kilometres to the capital on foot. In this way, he intends to show the authorities how far he is willing to go for his children – literally. Srdan Golubović finds authentic, moving images to tell this tale of inequality. His quiet but resilient protagonist explores not only the country, but also the boundaries between right and wrong. Resolved not to give in to his mounting desperation, this tenacious father embarks on a heroic journey that redefines the word hero.感谢点播《父亲2020》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!

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